This blog is meant to have a deep understanding on the daily tasks you can perform in Oracle Database hosted in AWS RDS.

For more posts on AWS RDS please check the INDEX page or visit our YouTube channel

How does RDS work?

To deliver a managed service experience, Amazon RDS doesn’t provide shell access to DB instances, and restricts access to certain system procedures and tables that require advanced privileges.

Amazon RDS being a PaaS (Platform as a Service) doesn’t allow users to connect to the host,rather users are provided with an endpoint to connect to the database.

RDSADMIN is the user which has many stored procedures inbuilt which you need to run to take care of most of the daily operations.

Connecting to an RDS instance

Before connecting to the RDS, let us see in details on the various tabs present in the RDS screen

Connectivity : Endpoint (This can be assumed as the hostname), Port (DB Port number), VPC, Security groups

You can connect to the RDS database using SQL Developer or Oracle Client by getting the Endpoint and Port details from the Connectivity and Security Tab as mentioned in the below picture :

Other than this, you can see the VPC, Security groups associated with the RDS.

If you traverse through the other tabs, you can check on the below details with respect to your RDS:

Monitoring : CPU Utilization,DB Connections (Number of users connecting to the Database), Free Storage Space in MB, Freeable Memory in MB, Write IOPS and Read IOPS

Logs & Events : Cloud watch Alarms, Recent Events (like DB backup, Instance Creation, DB Upgradation, etc), Logs (Alert, Trace and Audit logs)

Configuration : DB Instance id, Instance Class , Encrytion (status), Engine Version (DB version), vCPU (Number of Virtual CPUs), KMS Key, RAM , DB Name, Master Username, Parameter Group (DB Parameter files), Option Groups, etc

Maintenance and Backups : Auto Minor Version Upgrade (Status as Enabled/Disabled), Maintenance window (The time when the minor version upgrade can be scheduled),  Pending Maintenance, Backups (Information related to backups), Snapshots (Informations related to snapshots)

Here we are connecting to the RDS using SQL Developer :


Below are some commands/syntaxes which would be useful in your daily life


Disconnecting a Session


sid => sid,

serial => serial_number);




Killing a Session


sid => sid,

serial => serial_number);




Cancelling a SQL Statement in a Session


sid => sid,

serial => serial_number,

sql_id => sql_id);



Enabling and Disabling Restricted Sessions

/* Verify that the database is currently unrestricted. */

select LOGINS from V$INSTANCE;




/* Enable restricted sessions */

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.restricted_session(p_enable => true);

/* Verify that the database is now restricted. */

select LOGINS from V$INSTANCE;



/* Disable restricted sessions */

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.restricted_session(p_enable => false);

/* Verify that the database is now unrestricted again. */

select LOGINS from V$INSTANCE;




Flushing the Shared Pool

In Non RDS :

Alter system flush shared pool;

In RDS :

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.flush_shared_pool;


Flushing the Buffer Cache

In Non RDS :

Alter system flush buffer cache;

In RDS :

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.flush_buffer_cache;


The following privileges are not available for the DBA role on an Amazon RDS DB instance using the Oracle engine:


When you create a DB instance, the master user account that you use to create the instance gets DBA privileges (with some limitations). Use the master user account for any administrative tasks such as creating additional user accounts in the database. You can’t use the SYS user, SYSTEM user, and other Oracle-supplied administrative accounts.

Granting SELECT or EXECUTE Privileges to SYS Objects

The following example grants select privileges on an object named V_$SESSION to a user named USER1:



p_obj_name => ‘V_$SESSION‘,

p_grantee => ‘USER1‘,

p_privilege => ‘SELECT‘);



The following example grants select privileges on an object named V_$SESSION to a user named USER1 with the grant option :



p_obj_name => ‘V_$SESSION‘,

p_grantee => ‘USER1‘,

p_privilege => ‘SELECT‘,

p_grant_option => true);



The following example grants the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE and EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE to USER1. Since the with admin option is used, USER1 can now grant access to SYS objects that have been granted to SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE.


grant SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to USER1 with admin option;

grant EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE to USER1 with admin option;


Revoking SELECT or EXECUTE Privileges on SYS Objects



p_obj_name => ‘V_$SESSION‘,

p_revokee => ‘USER1‘,

p_privilege => ‘SELECT‘);




Granting Privileges to Non-Master Users
grant SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to user1;

grant EXECUTE_CATALOG_ROLE to user1;

Creating of non master users is the same process as we follow in non RDS oracle database.


The create_verify_function Procedure

The create_verify_function procedure is supported for Oracle version and later, Oracle version and later, all versions, all versions, and all 19.0.0 versions.


Custom Password Function 

You can create a custom function to verify passwords by using the Amazon RDS procedure rdsadmin.rdsadmin_password_verify.create_verify_function.



p_verify_function_name => ‘CUSTOM_PASSWORD_FUNCTION‘,

p_min_length => 10,

p_min_uppercase => 1,

p_min_digits => 1,

p_min_special => 1,

p_disallow_at_sign => true);




Changing the Global Name of a Database


In RDS :

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.rename_global_name(p_new_global_name => ‘new_global_name‘);


Creating and Sizing Tablespaces

Amazon RDS only supports Oracle Managed Files (OMF) for data files, log files, and control files. When you create data files and log files, you can’t specify the physical file names.

By default, the tablespace created is a bigfile tablespace.

To create a smallfile tablespace, you need to mention the “smallfile” keyword after create in your syntax.

create smallfile tablespace users2 datafile size 1G autoextend on maxsize 10G;

create temporary tablespace temp01;

Don’t use smallfile tablespaces because you can’t resize smallfile tablespaces with Amazon RDS for Oracle. However, you can add a datafile to a smallfile tablespace.

alter tablespace users2 add datafile size 100000M autoextend on next 250m maxsize UNLIMITED;

Setting the Default Tablespace

In Non RDS :
alter user username default tablespace tablespace_name;

In RDS :

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_default_tablespace(tablespace_name => ‘users2’);

Checkpointing a Database

In Non RDS :


In RDS :

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.checkpoint;


Creating New Directories in the Main Data Storage Space

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.create_directory(p_directory_name => ‘directory_name‘);


 Listing Files in a DB Instance Directory

 select * from table (rdsadmin.rds_file_util.listdir(p_directory => ‘directory_name‘));


Reading Files in a DB Instance Directory

 select * from table

                  p_directory => ‘directory_name‘,

                  p_filename => ‘file_name




Enabling Auditing for the SYS.AUD$ Table

If your auditing is not set for the database, perform the below actions

1. Click on the Parameter groups from your RDS Dashboard

2. Create a Parameter Group

3. Edit the concerned Parameter group and click on Save Changes after making the changes as given below :

4. Click on your RDS and click on MODIFY

5. From the Database Options under MODIFY, choose your recently added Parameter Group

6. Apply the changes and BOUNCE the RDS instance, since the parameter is a Static parameter.

7. Run the below commands to enable the changes after RDS restart

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_master_util.audit_all_sys_aud_table;

 exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_master_util.audit_all_sys_aud_table(p_by_access => true);

Disabling Auditing for the SYS.AUD$ Table

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_master_util.noaudit_all_sys_aud_table;


Purging the Recycle Bin

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.purge_dba_recyclebin;


Setting Force Logging

In force logging mode, Oracle logs all changes to the database except changes in temporary tablespaces and temporary segments (NOLOGGING clauses are ignored).

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.force_logging(p_enable => true);


Setting Supplemental Logging

Supplemental logging ensures that LogMiner and products that use LogMiner technology have sufficient information to support chained rows and storage arrangements such as cluster tables.

Oracle Database doesn’t enable supplemental logging by default. To enable and disable supplemental logging, use the Amazon RDS procedure rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.alter_supplemental_logging.



        p_action => ‘ADD);



Adding Online Redo Logs
An Amazon RDS DB instance running Oracle starts with four online redo logs, 128 MB each.

To add additional redo logs, use the Amazon RDS procedure rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.add_logfile.

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.add_logfile(p_size => ‘Size in M‘);

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.drop_logfile(grp => Number of groups);

Dropping Online Redo Logs

Drop each inactive log using the group number

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.drop_logfile(grp => 1);


Switch Log Files

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.switch_logfile;

Retaining Archived Redo Logs

You can retain archived redo logs locally on your DB instance for use with products like Oracle LogMiner (DBMS_LOGMNR). After you have retained the redo logs, you can use LogMiner to analyze the logs.



     name => ‘archivelog retention hours’,

     value => ‘24‘);




The following example shows the log retention time.

set serveroutput on

exec rdsadmin.rdsadmin_util.show_configuration;


View Files present in  BDUMP Directory

 SELECT * FROM table(rdsadmin.rds_file_util.listdir(‘BDUMP’)) order by mtime;


View the contents of a file in the BDUMP directory

 SELECT text FROM table(rdsadmin.rds_file_util.read_text_file(‘BDUMP’,’rds-rman-validate-nnn.txt’));

Oracle file size limits in AWS RDS

The maximum file size on Amazon RDS Oracle DB instances is 16 TiB (tebibytes).


Supported Features of AWS RDS

Amazon RDS Oracle supports the following Oracle Database features:

  • Advanced Compression
  • Application Express (APEX)
  • Automatic Memory Management
  • Automatic Undo Management
  • Automatic Workload Repository (AWR)
  • Active Data Guard with Maximum Performance in the same AWS Region or across AWS Regions
  • Continuous Query Notification (version and later)
  • Data Redaction
  • Database Change Notification (version and later 11g versions.
  • Database In-Memory (version 12.1 and later)

  • Distributed Queries and Transactions

  • Edition-Based Redefinition

  • Enterprise Manager Database Control (11g) and EM Express (12c)
  • Fine-Grained Auditing

  • Flashback Table, Flashback Query, Flashback Transaction Query

  • Import/export (legacy and Data Pump) and SQL*Loader

  • Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
  • Materialized Views

  • Multimedia

  • Network encryption
  • Partitioning

  • Spatial and Graph

  • Streams and Advanced Queuing

  • Summary Management – Materialized View Query Rewrite

  • Text (File and URL data store types are not supported)

  • Total Recall

  • Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

  • XML DB (without the XML DB Protocol Server)
  • Virtual Private Database

Unsupported Features of AWS RDS

Amazon RDS Oracle doesn’t support the following Oracle Database features:

  • Automatic Storage Management (ASM)

  • Database Vault

  • Flashback Database

  • Multitenant

  • Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Management Repository

  • Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC)

  • Real Application Testing

  • Unified Auditing, Pure Mode

  • Workspace Manager (WMSYS) schema


To view the supported parameters for Oracle Enterprise Edition version 12.2, run the following AWS CLI command :

aws rds describe-engine-default-parameters –db-parameter-group-family oracle-ee-12.2

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For more posts on AWS RDS please check the INDEX page or visit our YouTube channel

For more videos and posts on AWS RDS, click on the below links :

Heterogeneous Database Migration using AWS SCT

Migration and Replication (Full Load + CDC) of On-Premise Oracle 11G database to AWS RDS Oracle 19c

Full Load Migration of On-premise Oracle Database to AWS RDS Oracle

RMAN Tasks in AWS RDS Oracle

Steps to integrate S3 with Amazon Oracle RDS

Steps to upgrade AWS Oracle RDS