Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle

In this post we will see step by step details of creating an Amazon RDS Custom for Oracle Before proceeding with the Practical setup, let us have a brief overview on Oracle Custom RDS For more posts on AWS RDS please check the INDEX page or visit our YouTube channel...

Oracle ASM Interview Questions

1. What init.ora parameters does a user need to configure for ASM instances? Oracle ASM offers these initialization parameters.  The main parameters for ASM include asm_diskgroups, asm_diskstring, asm_power_limit and asm_preferred_read_failure_groups. ...

Terraform Blogs

1. Create an EC2 Instance with hard coded AMI ID 2. Create a Static Webserver using EC2 Instance in Terraform 3. Create an EC2 Instance with 2 Security Groups and Output values 4. Create Multi AZ RDS using Terraform 5. Restore RDS from existing snapshot using...

Export Import Datapump Basic Commands

For more exciting blogs on Oracle, please click the LINK 1. EXCLUDING TABLE PARTITIONS JOB_NAME=INFRA_EXPORT DIRECTORY=DUMP_DIR DUMPFILE=Schema_%U.dmp LOGFILE=Schema.log SCHEMAS=INFRA EXCLUDE=table_data:”IN...